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Silva, M.; Dreyton, A.; Figueiredo, E.; Reginaldo, F.; Sales, C.; Costa, J. (2017). Agglomerative concentric hypersphere clustering applied to structural damage detection. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 92, pp 196-212, 10.1016/j.ymssp.2017.01.024.
Santos, A.; Figueiredo, E.; Silva, M.; Santos, R.; Sales, C.; Costa, J. (2017). Genetic- based EM algorithm to improve the robustness of Gaussian mixture models for damage detection in bridges. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, DOI: 10.1002/stc.1886, vol. 24(3).
F. O. Resende, J. A. Peças Lopes, “Using Low Voltage Surge Protection Devices for Lightning Protection of 15/0,4 kV Pole Mounted Distribution Transformer”, Proc. of the 24th International Conference on Electricity Distribution, Glasgow, 12-15 June 2017.
D. Issicaba, M. Rosa, F.O. Resende, B. Santos, J. A. Peças Lopes, “Long-Term Impact Evaluation of Advanced Under Frequency Load Shedding Schemes on Distribution Systems with DG Islanded Operation”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grids, August 2017.
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