Mário Marques
I am passionate for data science and for introducing intelligence into business problems through mathematical algorithms, with a particular attention devoted on geospatial analysis.
I am a curious and continuous learner of state-of-the-art methodologies applied on the prediction and optimization activities, aiming to improve the efficiency and competitiveness of companies, and to support their decisions at different layers of responsibility.
Parallel, have developed extensive IT competences that are an important ally into the aforementioned data science tasks.
Very briefly, I am an experienced Python developer (with knowledge of other languages), working daily with big data (in a hadoop cluster) and a proficient SQL user (love PostgreSQL and postGIS).
In addition, have also built web based applications (using Angular JS) to disseminate the outputs of projects, allowing the client interaction and simulation of analytical solutions.
My professional and academic career started at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto as a researcher concerning earthquake engineering and loss estimation in the last year of my graduation as a Civil Engineer (in 2005).
This was the starting point for my PhD works concerning probabilistic seismic vulnerability assessment of buildings, which were developed at both University of Porto and EUCENTRE (Pavia, Italy).
It was in 2011 that had initiated a post-doctoral position in seismic risk assessment and since this year had reached other important milestones, namely: principal investigator and responsible at FEUP of 3 scientific research projects (national and EU) funded in a total budget exceeding 750k€; invited lecturer of the Structural Department of three different public institutions (FEUP, ISEP and IPVC); delivered several oral communications and published many scientific reports and papers in peer reviewed journals.